How to learn to paint

During my recent Art Show, I ran a watercolour flowers class and one lovely lady was feeling particularly discouraged. She felt that her initial painting attempts were childish and disappointing.

After just a few minutes of me helping her ‘dance’ with her brush, using plenty of paint and water, not rushing and actively ‘playing’, her second attempt at painting an iris was glorious!

The message? (There’s always more than one!):

  • Take time to learn.

  • Take time to actively pursue the creativity you want in your life.

  • Find a group that will encourage and support you when you need it.

  • Believe that you CAN do it. It can look like magic, but it’s usually a teachable process. Just take your time.

If you need support while learning to paint, imagine I’m sitting on your shoulder (smaller than life-sized is probably a good idea here), encouraging you and saying all the things you know you’d say to someone you loved and wanted to encourage.

And if you need to hear me say it for real, just sign up or log in to one of my Online classes.

You can do it. And it’s so worth doing.

Let’s paint!



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